Mission Statement
Mission Statement

Learning for Life, Impacting for Christ
Mission Statement
Our mission is to inspire students to:
Reflect Christ's character,
Achieve their highest intellectual potential,
Serve others in Christian love, and
Embrace healthful living in an environment where school, home and church unite to encourage a living relationship with God.
Boise Valley Adventist School is a Christian school founded by Seventh-day Adventist church members of the Boise valley to provide a spiritually oriented education for their young people. A belief in the existence of a Creator is fundamental to the philosophy of the school.
We respect God's divine authority and recognize His intervention in human experience by endeavoring to reflect His image in our relationships. We believe that true education has to do with the complete development of the physical, mental, and spiritual powers of each student.
Ultimately, we would hope to prepare our students for the joy of service in this world and the world to come. To reach this ambitious goal we will strive toward the following objectives:
To make fundamental Christianity relevant to our young people.
To provide an environment conducive to the development of a Christian character.
To inspire in students a sense of dedication and commitment to God and man.
To establish behavioral patterns in harmony with natural laws governing physical, mental, and spiritual health.
To encourage students to develop and apply logical reasoning processes in mental growth.
What We Stand For
Spiritually - An important objective is the spiritual guidance of our students. The administration, faculty, and staff recognize the daily pursuit of spiritual goals, using every opportunity presented during curricular and extracurricular activities to lead students.
Academically - We guide our students' intellectual gifts by promoting high academic standards, always remembering that each student is a unique creation of God. Our aim is to help our students realize their full academic potential.
Physically - Guiding the physical potential of our students is an integral part of our educational program. We realize the human body houses the Spirit and must be properly cared for to influence the world for God.
Relationally - It is our relationship with God that influences our relationship with those around us. If we are in proper relationship with God, then our relationships with others will be filled with love, patience, kindness, faithfulness, and self-control.